Was Jada Pinkett Smith cast as Rapunzel in upcoming Tangled live-action movie? Viral article debunke

Publish date: 2024-06-23

Jada Pinkett Smith is all set to play Rapunzel, in the live-action Tangled movie, claims a rumor floating around on the internet. The claim was propagated by Mouse Trap News, a Disney fan website. The portal published an article on August 5, 2023, titled, "Jada Pinkett Smith Cast as Rapunzel in Live-Action Tangled."

Although reports indicate that a live-action Tangled movie is in the works, Jada Pinkett Smith has not been cast as Rapunzel. The information provided by the website is false and is just pure satire. Mouse Trap News is a self-described satire website that is known to publish humorous fictional and fake stories surrounding all things Disney.

Jada Pinkett Smith is not going to play Rapunzel (Image via Instagram/@jadapinkettsmith)

The article published by Mouse Trap News claimed that they recently learned that Jada Pinkett Smith was cast to play Rapunzel in the new live-action version of the film. The article also goes on to talk about the actress' diagnosis of alopecia, a condition where the immune system attacks hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. However, it still makes fun of Jada Pinkett Smith and her husband, Will.

"This is a very unfortunate disease and joking about it is a one-way ticket to a slap across the face from Will Smith," the article reads.
Will Smith's infamous slap was made into a meme by Mouse Trap News (Image via Mouse Trap News)

The website continued to pile on the jokes on Jada Pinkett Smith. It claimed that the casting choice was "interesting" because an "internal source" reported that the actress will not grow her hair out or wear a wig for the movie. In a rather sarcastic dig the website said:

"Disney will adapt the movie storyline in order to be more inclusive to all, especially those that suffer from various diseases which cause hair loss."

The article even claimed that Channing Tatum was to play Flynn Ryder.

The Jada Pinkett Smith article by Mouse Trap News is clearly satire

The article published by Mouse Trap News is purely satirical as evidenced by the obvious tone of the article, and the lack of astute evidence or reports. The website proudly describes itself as "the world’s best satire site." It claims to write fake stories about "Disney Parks stuff."

In the About section of the website, it stated:

"From Disney Park announcements to Disney Hotel and resort news to made-up Disney partnerships, you can be assured that anything you read here is not true, real, or accurate, but it is fun."
Mouse Trap News is a satirical website

It further explained its slogan saying:

"So technically our slogan The Moused Trusted Name in Disney News isn’t true, but we thought it was creative and funny, so we are running with it."

The website claimed to not be a deceptive site that misled people for clicks but noted that it was one that wrote "100% made-up stories" for the enjoyment of its readers. The site hoped that Disney saw how much people liked their stories and then decide to make a reader-loved fake story, a reality.

Mouse Trap News rips apart Disney casting choices

The article started off with the website critiquing current Disney live-action movies, including the more recent, The Little Mermaid remake, and Pinocchio. The website boldly states that both films are "objectively terrible remakes" that are a disgrace to the original animated films.

It adds that despite this "Disney doesn't learn."It proceeds to claim that the live-action remake of Tangled is in the works and Disney has cast Jada Pinkett Smith to play Rapunzel.

The website goes on to discuss Disney's live-action polarizing and controversial casting choices for its recent and upcoming films, especially for the new Snow White and the Seven Dwarves remake. The website makes fun of the casting choices for the seven dwarves:

"A leaked picture of Snow White with her “dwarves” on set went viral. Instead of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, it was Snow White and the Seven Diverse, Non-Short People, Except One."

The website continued to poke fun at Disney by stating that the company was remaking all of its movies "for the sake of inclusivity." It said that Disney continued to do so even at the cost of box office failure and a lack of any context with the original product.

It ends the article by humorously claiming that a live-action remake of UP was in the works, where Dug would be played by a cat for the sake of inclusivity. However, as mentioned earlier, since it is a satirical website, none of the claims it has made are true and are made only in jest.

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